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WBBC Autumn Series, Sundays May 2019

Each Sunday in May 2019 come and sail our Autumn Series. The regatta is open to all dinghy classes including catamarans and sailboards and including a separate division for Green Fleet Optimists.

Registration is Closed
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WBBC Autumn Series, Sundays May 2019
WBBC Autumn Series, Sundays May 2019

Date & Location

05 May 2019, 12:00 pm

Worser Bay Boating Club, Karaka Bay Rd, Seatoun, Wellington 6022, New Zealand

About the Event

Worser Bay Boating Club, Seatoun, Wellington

WBBC Autumn Series Sunday May 5,12,19,& 26 2019

Organising Authority, Worser Bay Boating Club, P. O. Box 15 030, Wellington 6243

Notice of Race

1.0 Rules

1.1 The regatta will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing.

1.2 The YNZ Safety Regulations Part 1 shall apply. Notwithstanding the dispensation granted by Yachting New Zealand, sailboard competitors will comply with clause 1.

1.3 The sailing instructions will consist of the instructions in RRS Appendix S, Standard Sailing Instructions,

and Supplementary Sailing Instructions that will be on the official notice board located adjacent to the PD Shed clubrooms no later than 0900 hours on the day of the regatta.

1.4 Appendix T will apply

2.0 Eligibility and Entry

2.1 The regatta is open to all dinghy classes including catamarans and sailboards and including a separate division for Green Fleet Optimists.

2.2 Entry is by each day of racing completing details and signing the entrant’s sheet adjacent to the PD shed Clubrooms..

2.3 Each competitor, entrant and crew member shall be a Member of a YNZ Affiliated Boat Club.

2.4 Measurement is not required but each boat is expected to meet all class regulations.

3.0 Fees

3.1 There is no entry fee.

4.0 Schedule

4.1 1st Warning Signal Number of Races

Sunday May 5 1155 hours 1 Race

Sunday May 12 1155 hrs 1 Race

Sunday May 19 1155 hrs 1 Race

Sunday May 26 1155 hrs 1 Race

4.2. One extra race may be sailed on Sunday May 12 and Sunday May 19 if any class is behind schedule.

4.3 On Sundays May 5, 12, and 19 no warning signal will be made after 1500 hours. On Sunday May 28 no warning signal will be made after 1400 hours.


5.0 Sailing Instructions

The Sailing Instructions will be available at the PD Shed at time of entry or at from May 3 2019.

6.0 Racing Area

The races will be held in the vicinity of Worser Bay.

7.0 Courses to be Sailed

The courses will be triangular, windward/leeward.

8.0 Penalty System

For the catamaran, 12’ Skiff, 29er, and all foiling classes Rule 44.1 is changed so that the two-turns penalty is replaced by the one-turn penalty.

9.0 Scoring

9.1 Two races will be required to be completed to constitute a series.

9.2 No race score will be excluded

10.0 Prizes

Series results will be available as soon as practicable after the conclusion of racing on Sunday May 26

Other prizes may be awarded.

10.0 Disclaimer of Liability

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Deci¬sion to Race. The organizing author¬ity will not accept any liability for material dam¬age or personal injury or death sus¬tained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

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