Roles and Responsibilities for Club Race Days & House Management
General guide club race days
On weekend race days, club management consists of two functional areas.
Race management: Race officer, Start box, and Support boat
House or Kitchen & Bar duties
The summer season, club racing is a Saturday afternoon, with learn to sail and coaching in the morning. At all times the Club Commodore, Vice and Rear Commodore will be available for support, if not on deck on the day, they will be contactable or have a delegated General Committee Member around.
The duty Race Officer is responsible for the racing and the safety of the fleet for that day and must remain on shore for the duration of racing. Ultimate responsibility sits with the Commodore supported by the General Committee.
Detailed through the page are the key duties and tips and how-tos for each of the functions. Follow the links below for the core functions.
Brows the page as there is a lot of detail to support the activities for race day management and support.
Race Management
Racing at WBBC is managed in accordance with RRS 2021-2024.
WBBC guidelines provides the specific requirements for running racing in our environment at our club.
Race management and logistics for regattas and other major events are outlined in specific event management plans.
Racing / sailing instructions, courses and details are outlined in the racing tab under sailing instructions.
Objectives of the Race management team are to ensure:
The safety of all competitors
Fair competition
Racing that is in accordance with the rules, (see NOR & SSI and RRS 2021-2024 )
That competitors conform to the rules and, as far as possible, give satisfaction to competitors in the way events are run.
The safety of all competitors (refer RRS 1) is a prime responsibility and all involved are to be aware that safety always comes first.
Indicative Saturday Schedule ​
9am: Opti squads, coaching and learn-to-sail activities will be using support boats. The head or senior coach on duty will ensure there is connection between coaching and club sailing.
1100: Duty RO on deck
11:15 Start box crew on deck
1200: Volunteer Briefing
1215: Sailors Briefing
1300: First warning signal
1500: or there about; PM kitchen/Bar Duty begins (or when the sailors are ashore)
Role and Duties
Prior to your Rostered Day: It is highly recommended that sailors undertake the YNZ on-line free "Introduction to Race Officiating" and "Club RO" courses . YNZ Embark
Arrive at 11:30
The safety of all competitors requires that the Race Officer and Assistant Race Officer ensure the Start Box and Rescue Boats are adequately resources according to the conditions.
Check the wind speed and direction at two weather stations and look at forcasts on MetSerice and PredictWind.
Racing will not proceed until this requirement has been met.
Minium of Three fully crewed rescue boat is to be operating on station for racing to commence with combined Junior and Senior fleets.
The Race Officer and the Assistant Race Officer are to familiarize themselves with the detailed list of duties and guidance notes below and also within the start box and rescue boats sections of the web site. Read the current NOR & SSIs. They also must ensure that Rostered volunteers are on-site or have been substitutued.
On the day of racing they are to satisfy themselves that adequate race management is in place and proposed courses are appropriate for the conditions.
Duty RO must remain on shore for the duration of racing, as the Duty Officer for the day. The assistant race office may sail, but only if all Rescue Boats are crewed.
The Race Officer will:
Check the Roster page to see who else is on the days race management team.
Confirm the rostered start box crew is available on the day or arrange for somebody else to do this task beforehand. For senior racing, contact the Vice Commodore in the first instance. Ideally the Start Box team can use the can operate the Voice Sail Start Timer APP that uses the LEDs and the Horns, but old school starts using a timer and boards are fine too.
Ensure Sign-on-sign off sheets are avilable for the Sailors at least 1 hour before the start. The regularly updated "Senior Active" & "Junior Active" Sign-on sheets are available on the computer Home sreen [ raceofficer / raceofficer ]. These Sign On sheets are sorted by Sail Number to reduce the time it takes to reconcile Starters to Finishers in Sailwave. Avoid using any old piece of paper as it increases the results work load.
Be familiar with the club's rescue boat operating procedures and launch the rescue boats if that has not already been done. Hold a briefing session with the skippers or the mark laying boats to describe what you need in terms of Beat Lengths and buoy location information. Do a Radio Check on each one as it passes the Start Box.
Set a course that conforms to the sailing programme and sailing instructions and is fair to all competitors. EG Series Races are sailed acording to the published schedule and NOR and SSI. Target time for 1st finisher is 45 minutes for Seniors and 40 minutes for Juniors. The actual laying of the Courses may be deleated to the two Rostered Mark Boat crews. ( Lovelocks and Catalyst ). Quick Guide to Laying a Course. Quick Guide to Laying the Start - Finish Line.
In order to have fair racing with good timing an Inner AND an Outer Course should be layed.
Default Beat Lengths from Table below.
Wing Mark 45 Degree included angle and Half way between Top and Bottom​ Marks
- The Inner Coarse should have a Beat Length of about 70% of the Outer Course
Default Beat Length (nm) v. Wind strength (knots) Guide. ( subject to review as measurements are confirmed)​
Wind Speed 5 10 15 20
Outer 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.60
Inner 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.42
Measuring Beat Lengths
If one mark on the Beat has a GPS Coordinate -41 deg 18.462 decimal minutes ( eg off Sunken Rock)
Then the other mark on the beat will be found by either adding ( going South ) or subtracting (going North ) the Beat Length.
Example Top Mark is North and beat is aligned approximately North-South
-41 18.462 ( Top North Bouy GPS near Sunken Rock (Format=Decimal Minutes dd mm.mmm )​)
+ 0.600 (beat length required in nautical mile (nm))
-41 19.062 ( Bottom South Bouy GPS (dd mm.mmm))
At least 30 minutes before the 1st Warning Signal write the course ( or Specify a WBBC Course Diagram T or W ) and fleet starting order and any other supplimentatry Sailing instructions on the White Board near north doors. (SSI 3).
The APP uses this sequence and Course Codes as Default so the Default should be:
1. Mono T3 Outer​
2. Sunburst T2 Outer
3. Zephyr T2 Outer
4. Starling U19 & Adult T3 Inner
5. P and Optimist Open T2 Inner
6. Optimist Green T1 Inner
First Warning Signal shall be at 13:00 sharp ( = First Start at 13:03) or as per Calendar and Sailing Program.
At about midday , Set the APP to start automatically using
either "Sequence Start" set for 12:55 ( gives first Start at 13:03 as the Default Sequence starts with Orange Flag for 5 mins. )
or "Start Signal" set for 13:03 ( gives first start at 13:03 )
The APP will display the Orange Flag for 5 mins ( 12:55 - 13:00 ) before the 1st Warning at 13:00 , then there will be a 3 min Sequence to first Start at 13:03. Check that the app will do what you expect by looking at the time for the 1st race to start.
Always use " 1st Warning signal times" to communicate with sailors.
At the appropriate time (but not before), make the decision whether the race will start at the advertised time, be postponed, or abandoned for the day, and advise the competitors.
The Postponement and Abandonment signals are all available on the LEDs with the Starting APP.. However course changes and other signals are not yet implimented on the LED sytem.
Once the marks are set and the race has started ask the mark boats to report the bearings of the marks and or the GPS locations.
Consider the current wind and sea state and any anticipated improvement or deterioration and the number of competitors, their experience, type of boat, the location, size, and configuration of the course, number of rescue craft, with appropriate crews, on the water and start box resources available to monitor competitors, as pad of the risk assessment and decision- making process.
In strong conditions and where there is still a possibility of racing, look to minimise the risk by attention to the items listed above to the point where it is a reasonable decision to proceed. It may be necessary to abandon racing for one fleet but continue for others. The Junior fleets should have priority for resource support.
After racing, collect and check the sailor sign-off sheets are complete, obtain and enter the results into Sailwave and process any protests that may have been lodged.
Observe if ALL the buoys have been retrieved before giving permission for the last rescue boat to be retrieved. Provide or arrange assistance with putting the rescue boats away.
At the end of the day, ensure all boats have been stored and boat sheds secured and Hand-held Radios are on-charge.
If unsure of any aspect, do not hesitate to seek advice from other experienced sailors. For further information contact the Vice Commodore.
Start box personnel will: .
Arrive by 11:45 for 13:00 First warning signal. ( or for Juniors 09:00 for 1st Warning at 10:00 )
Ensure Sign-on/off sheets are available at least 1 hour before scheduled start. Regularly updated "Junior & Senior Active" Sign-on sheets are available on the computer home screen. [raceofficer / raceofficer ]
Conduct Radio Checks with all rescue boats as they are launched or leave the breast-work on behalf of the Race Officer.
Assist competitors to sign on and identify starters who have not signed on.
Read the Courses , Fleet Starting Order and any other Sailing Instructions that the Race Officer has written on the White Board.
Conduct the starts in accordance with RRS and the Race Schedule , NOR and SSI and the day's RO White Board instructions.
Starting on time with a First Warning signal at exactly 13:00 is required.
Current NOR requires a 3 minute start sequence.
IDEALLY Be familar with the Android / iPad /IPhone App for Race Starting: "Voice Sail Start Timer" by Egor Leonenko ( Requires Android 7.0 up). iPAD version
Prepare the iPhone and APP for Starts.
Make sure the power is on to the Radio and LEDs.
Make sure the ipHone / Ipad is connected to Power / HDMI / Speakers.
Check that Remote Horn is paired via BlueTooth
Check that the Screen Mirror is active.
Open the Voice Starting App.
Test the Horn.
Test the Orange Screen by triggering an immediate start. then stop immediately.
Check that the Sequence is as expected. 1. Mono, 2.SB, 3.Zephyr, 4.Starling , 5.P&Opti, 6.OptiGreen.
Check that the Prep Flags are as expected. P not U. ( NB. it is possible to change to U during live start sequence.)
Set the time for 1st Start to be 13:03. Set Sequence Start = 12:55 OR Start Signal = 13:03
Monitor all competitors on the water and record boats that did not start or who retire. Note when leading boats of each fleet round each mark so you know when they have completed the set course.
Ask Mark Laying boats sequentially to report each mark's bearings and / or GPS positions after the race has startes and before any course changes and record this information in the Results Book for the Race.
Direct rescue boats to sailors who may need assistance. See VHF Radio Call Signs and Check List (below)
Confirm with rescue boats whether or not they may bring disabled yachts ashore.
Direct any course changes including abandonment. Advise the signals that the Rescue Boats need to display on the course to achieve what is intended.
ALL races are timed whether series races or not. ( only exceptions are Mark Foy sarts eg Ladder races or Harbour race)
Useful Android Phone App for speaking Finishing clock times in SECONDS enables recording finish times without needing to look at the Clock: "Ticking Clock: Speaking Timer" by CANDYPOT. ( anyone found a good Apple version? )
Record the clock times of the starts and all finishers and withdrawals (DNF) in the results book in the Start Box. Pointers for doing this HERE. ( Also Wind Strength , Direction, and Course Configuration )
Confirm all competitors signed on or started without signing on are accounted for.
Produce accurate race results that take into account such things as competitors in borrowed boats, using different sail numbers, DNS, DNF , RRMD etc.
Enter race results into the race results computer programme.. "Sailwave". This is straight forward but please ask Matt Steven, George Willcock, Maurice Scott, Andrew Mackay or Andrew Paterson for guidance and to become a results expert. Please volunteer for training on Sailwave Data entry.
Start Box voluneeters can further their education by watching one of the YNZ Race Officials Courses. Especially the free "Introduction to Race Officiating". YNZ Embark
Login to Club Computer: raceofficer / raceofficer
Select ICON "Sailwave"
Open Series: [Club_Racing_2023-24]
Please do not change any configuration that is not explicily required below.
Save regularly using CNTRL-S at any time.
Click SailNum Wizard
Select Race number: This will be previously setup. eg ( 1st Race ) Sh05 13:00 5/01/2024 or (2nd Race ) Sh06 14:00 5/01/2024
The Sailing Program is here or on the Calendar
{ Please do not change or Rename Race setup. Just select the correct Race for the Correct Day )
Edit Race: (only edit these fields. Do not change anything else )
Edit Start times for each fleet eg 13:03
Enter the Course for each fleet: eg S12313F or S12313123F
Enter the Wind Direction for each fleet : eg NW or S or NNE
Enter the Wind Speed for each Fleet: eg 8-10 or 12-15
Save ( Cntr S)
Enter the Sailnumber into the Wizard.
Only the LAST 4 numerals is required.
Select the Sailor from the list presented. Enter
Enter Finish time in 24 hour clock format: hhmmss
e.g. without puntualtion here: 145532 ( rather than 14:55:32 )
Untill all finishers are entered.
Check for Sailors Signed On but not finished. DNF? or DNS? or RRMD?
SAVE ( Cntr S )
SCORE SERIES ( On 2nd ribbon. Be patient it will take a few seconds to run through )
RESCORE ( On 2nd ribbon , just to ensure the process is complete )
The Sailwave system setup for WBBC Seasonal Handicap scores two series ( LINE and HANDICAP ). Each LINE (suffix _L) Flleet has an Alias HANDICAP Fleet ( suffix _H) which is scored with a progressive handicap (NHC) using personal "Ratings". The MONO_L flet is scored using PY Boat Ratings. Please do not adjust any "Ratings" at all without consultation with the official "Handicapper(s)" [ Andrew Paterson and Maurice Scott ]
Click on: Mark all sailed competitors as INCLUDED
Click on: Mark all UNSAILED competitors as EXCLUDED
Press ( X ) Hide Excluded Competitors when pressed ( on 2nd ribbon )
SAVE ( Control S)
PUBLISH ( for Quality Assurance ONLY ) on 1st Ribbon
Results V2 ( or CNTL p )
Check : Publish a series Summary table
Check : Publish individual race tables
Destination: A file on my computer/network ( do not change )
Press "Preview"
Soon a local webpage will open and you can see what is about to be published.
Check this Preview for errors , count of finishers, missing competitors.
Select on 2nd Ribbon pull down "Finishers (place/elapsed-time/finish-time/code)
"Sort ( Double Click on Race Header ) the Race by Finshing Time and compare to what is on the Results Record Sheet.
This is where you see why we ask for simple sequential finish times by sail number unsorted between fleets.
( other wise Sort by Class/SailNumber )
Sort the Race ( Double Click on CLASS then CONTROL DOUBLE Click on SailNumber ) by Class/SailNumber and compare to what is on the SIGN-ON Sheets.
This is where you see why we generate signon sheets in SailNumber Order.
Repeat the Publish for QA ( Preview ) until satisficed that QA is complete. Then ...
PUBLISH ( for Uploading by Synch tool )
to File C:/results/2023-24/Club2023-24.html
Go to home screen for "raceofficer"
To check you have published the correct file(s) Click on shortcut ICON "LOCAL RESULTS TEST"
Click on shortcut ICON "synch-results"
Watch as file gets replaced. Note that it takes a while to appear on the website. If it appears on the "Local Results Test" it will be fine.
Training and support for Sailwave Results and general setup Call Andrew Paterson 027 4468610 ( andrew_r_paterson@outlook.co.nz ) or Maurice Scott or Andrew Mackay
Only approved members who are trained in the operation of our rescue boats may drive them.
​​ -
Arrive by 11:45 in order to ensure enough boats are launced and that there is time for a Briefing and to lay both an Inner and Outer Course before 12:55. Total 8x Buoys.
The RO may delegate the laying of the marks to the Mark Boat skippers or go out with the Mark Boat to choose the positions of the buoys on the spot. Course Laying and Start-Finish Line laying Guides.
Lovelocks and Catalyst are the "Mark Boats" and need to be loaded with four buoys each and launched first.
Lovelocks will lay the Bottom and Wing Marks ( 4x Buoys ) and patrol that area.
Catalyst will they the Top Marks and Start/Finish Marks ( 4x Buoys ) and partrol that area.
Changes of course will be handled by the Mark Boats. Catalyst at the top, Lovelocks at the bottom.
During racing the Mark Boats are Rescue Boats.
At least Three fully crewed rescue boat is to be on the course before racing commences.
Rescue boat skippers and crew can expect to attend a short briefing before going to sea. The briefing will cover task allocations other current issues for the day. Rostered Mark Boat Skippers are assigned to a specific boat.
Each rescue boat driver will:
Be over the age of 16 years old and have completed the Worser Bay rescue boat competency course sucessfully.
Be responsible for the boats use for the day
Be familiar with the club's operating procedures for the rescue boat.
Inspect the boat before use, check the fuel tanks are full, check the steering by turning the wheel from side to side
Run the engine up on the hose before putting the boat in the water
Check the required gear for the day is on board.
Have read the information on VHF Radios Call Signs and the VHF Radio Trouble Shooting Check list .
Make a VHF Marine radio check (Channel 77) before launching. Make sure you use the correct Call Sign for your boat.
Operate the boat in a safe and prudent manner to avoid unnecessary damage or danger to other people.
Endeavour to have at least one other crew member on board ready to assist competitors. In heavy weather AND when dealling with inexperienced juniors , this becomes essential.
Ensure all on board are wearing Iifejackets at all times
Treat the safety of competitors as paramount and provide speedy assistance to those who may require it.
Coordinate with the start box which part of the course you are going to patrol. eg Northern or Southern.
Be prepared to provide location information for the buoys in your zone and report it by radio to start box. Bearing Buoy to Refernece mark , Bearing Bottom to Top Mark , GPS locations of mark. Simple Compass Apps are ideal. Android "Compass Steel" and iOS "Compass"
Assist with laying the course. Know how to measure the Beat Length and Beat Bearing using a Phone Compass APP.
Ensure that bouys have complete tackle attached before laying. Know how to lay bouys without fouling lines in the propellor.
Know how to set up a "Change-of-Course" or a "Shortened-Course" if instructed by the Race Officer or Start Box. Ensure the appropriate Flags are on board before launching.
If necessary, abandon the competitor's boat(s) and pick up anyone in the water first.
Bring disabled boats ashore (under 5 knots and centerboard removed) only when it does not compromise the safety of other competitors. Always confirm with the Start Box before leaving the race area.
Correctly approach (according to the conditions) a capsized craft with motor in neutral and take extreme care the propeller does not endanger a person or damage a boat.
Retrieve bouys at the end of racing with motor in neutral.
Be responsible for washing the boat down including flushing the engine and putting the boat away.
Refueling: This season 2023-24 a battery powered refueling pump and refuelling trolley will be trialed. Refueling will occur in the open air after flushing is complete and boats will be stored away with full tanks.
Be responsible for reporting all defects and maintenance problems to the Club Fleet Coordinator.(See Committee and Office Holders section for contact details)
Extreme Situations. Beacon Hill , Wellington Volunteer Coastguard & Channel 16
If any Rescue Boat crew has difficulty due to weather or sea conditions or have too many incidents to handle efficiently they should call Wellington Coastguard Radio on Channel 16 or 62 or have someone in the Clubhouse phone them for assistance ( 04-386-3531 ).
The Coastguard fast response boat can be in Worser Bay within minutes to help.
Channel 16 can also be used to communicate with other vessels such as ferries or police boat , in emergency situations.
The Police Boat can also be called on Emergency 111.
Wellington Harbour Radio / Beacon Hill Channel 14 should be informed of events and issues at Worser Bay. Channel 14 should be monitored during events that may take the fleet across the shipping Lanes.
The club is always on the lookout for people to increase its pool of competent rescue boat personnel.
During the season the club will be offering rescue boat training to anyone interested.
Contact the Club Fleet Coordinator to register your interest (see Committee and Office Holders section for contact details).
The WBBC rescue boats are not available for private use.
The club does, of course, support coaching activities and supports members willing to help organize and/or run coaching sessions.
If you want to arrange coaching sessions using the club rescue boats, then you need to seek permission from the General Committee and open the session up to all interested members of the class of boat and level of sailing ability that is being targeted by the proposed coaching session.
The General Committee will require payment of a fee to cover running costs of any club rescue boats used.
The club operates a VHF Marine radio network on Channel 77. ( 156.875MHz )
Channel 77 is a public ISM ship-to-ship channel and is used by most boat clubs around Wellington Harbour.
A listening watch on Channel 16 should be maintained on all radios.
( Note: During the Harbour Race , or whenever events require sailing out of our usual area between the channel and the bays, the Harbour Master REQUIRES a listening watch is maintained at the Start Box ( Worser Bay Sports ) on Channel 14 Beacon Hill Station - Wellington Harbour Radio Port Operations . Cellphones must also be on board Rescue Boats for any Harbour Race.
We use always use Low Power ( <1 Watt ) on all radios , including handhelds , to avoid interfering with other club communications.
( Note: The exception to the Low Power rule may be during the Harbour Race, although a Relay boat can be used at the Point to achieve two lines of sight.)
It is important to do radio checks on shore, prior to launching, and again when on-station far from the club house.
If the antenna or antenna cable is broken or damaged or disconnected. DO NOT attempt transmit. It may fry the radio.
The correct orientation of the antenae is Vertical to achive optimum transmission and reception. Do not rake the antenna back from vertical.
There are 4x Handheld VHF radios stored on battery charger units in the Start Box.
These handheld radios are available as backup units should a boat mounted radio give problems.
Return them to the Start box charger after rinsing them with fresh water and wiping them dry. Look for a Red or Orange charging light.
Keep radio commincations brief and to-the-point. It is a public broadcast.
The microphones on the boat mounted radios have a small speaker on the back. This is useful in high wind, noisy conditions.
Location Boat Description Motor Call Sign ( on Channel 77 )
Start Box ~ ~ Worser Bay Sports
PD Shed ~ ~ PD Shed ( a backup for Start Box Radio )
Lovelocks 5.8m Naiad Yellow 90hp "Lovelocks"
Catalyst 4.8m Naiad Yellow 50hp Catalyst
Wavebreak 4.5m Wavebreak Yellow 60hp Wavebreak 1
Wavebreak 3.8m Wavebreak Yellow 40hp Wavebreak 2
The Grand 3.8m Naiad Yellow 30hp The Grand
HandHelds ~ ~ Worser Bay Sports Mobile 1 ( use the Number marked on the Radio )
Spare: Spare in the Winch Shed.
Trouble Shooting Check List for WBBC VHF Marine Radios here.
Arrival time 10:30.
Turn on wall switches for Sanitizer , Oven and Hot Water Urn
Put first pot of coffee on ( 6 heaped dessert spoons of coffee into paper filter ) and place tea/sugar/milk on Southern Bench. Also racks of clean cups and glasses. Replenish coffee regularly as each pot is consumed.
Turn Oven on to 180 Deg C
Following instructions on the wall , set up the Sanitizer. We wash all the dishes in hot soapy water then sanitize ( 77 degC , 3 minutes ) as well.
Turn on Pie Warmer to Mark 3. ( 80 deg C ). Fill all the small dishes in the base with water to ensure high humidity so food does not dry out.
Cook the pies in the Oven ( 180 deg C ) for 30 minutes then move them to the pie warmer by 11:30
Unlook the big fridge doors. ( keys in the pantry
Place following out on the island bench.
Cookies, Chips, Chocolate bars, Noodles
Wash and sanifize cups, glasses and plates as the rack gets filled with used crockery
Please use EFTPOS only (no cash to be accepted )
To Use the EFTPOS Machine.
Press Purchase button ( 1)
Key in amount and enter.
Hand customer the smaller key pad unit and they insert card , choose account and key in PIN.
Please ensure kitchen is tidy , dishes washed , sanitized and put away.
If there is afternoon sailing please leave the food products on the island bench in place.
Unlock the bar fridges.
Close doors as you leave.
For information and support : Jackie 027 277 1603
Arrival Time: As soon as possible after the last race is complete.
Make sure the Visitor Book is available on the Bar. This is a condition of our Club Liquor License.
Unlock the Bar Fridges and serve the sailors and visitors.
Check that there is Hot prepared food available. This is a condition of the Club Liquor License. Hot pies or Toasties.
Use EFTPOS only. No cash to be accepted.
To Use the EFTPOS Machine.
Press Purchase button ( 1)
Key in amount and enter.
Hand customer the smaller key pad unit and they insert card , choose account and key in PIN.
Prepare Toasties or Hot food ( pies ) on demand while bar remains open. This is a condition of our Club Liquor License.
At Closing time:
Put all unsold food away in the pantry . Offer any unsold cooked food to stragglers.
Bring the Price Board and Visitor Book back into the Kitchen.
Wash and Sanitize all crockery and put it away.
Wipe down all surfaces , including club house tables, with sanitizer and cloth.
Tidy up the club house tables and chairs so it is neat for any venue hire during the week.
Lock the Bar and Main Fridges and Pantry. Lower and Lock the two Roller Cage doors on the bars.
Lock the Kitchen doors 2x.