Give Wing Foiling a Go!
Here is your chance to give Wing Foiling a go during the BIG 7 - Worser Bay, Wellington, Wild Waszp and Wicked Wing Weekend

Date & Location
01 Feb 2025, 9:00 am – 02 Feb 2025, 1:00 pm
Wellington, Karaka Bay Road, Seatoun, Wellington 6022, New Zealand
About the Event
During the BIG 7 we are providing opportunities for people to give Wing Foiling a go. Thanks to the Black Foils Sail GP Team and Armstrong we have five Wing Foiling kits set up for you to have a go on. You can have a go either on Saturday Morning or Sunday morning during the BIG 7 event. Worser Bay Boating Club will provide instructors to get you going and will help you look after your safety. Simply fill in the registration form below and pick a day then we will put you into one of the available slots and get back to you with mroe details.