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This event is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors

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Things to do in Wellington

If there's a gap in the sailing, or you need a break, then check this list. It's where many of us might take our out of town friends when they visit.

The Weta Cave  (local)

Exhibits of props for ‘Lord of the Rings” and other films, plus a documentary and studio souvenirs.

Weta Workshop houses a complete one-stop physical effects workshop under one roof. 

Take a tour and discover your gateway to the magic of filmmaking in Wellington.  

1 Weka Street, Miramar, Wellington  Ph 04 909 4035


Te Papa

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is New Zealand's national museum. Known as Te Papa, or 'Our Place', it opened in 1998 after the merging of the National Museum and the National Art Gallery.

Te Papa is New Zealand's bold and innovative national museum and a recognised world leader in interactive and visitor-focused museum experiences. 

Open every day, 10am – 6pm (except Christmas Day)

Free entry.  Charges apply to some short-term exhibitions and activities

55 Cable Street, Wellington,  Ph (04) 381 7000


Cable Car

Join locals and visitors alike in a historic trip on the Wellington Cable Car. For over a hundred years passengers have enjoyed the dramatic views of our growing cityscape and the surrounding hills that define Wellington's harbour. It offers a charming escape from the busy city streets to the tree lined walkways of the Botanic Gardens.

Enjoy easy access to the Botanic Garden, Cable Car Museum, Space Place (at Carter Observatory) and Zealandia (via free shuttle).

The cable cars run continuously throughout the day, at 10 min intervals switching to 15 mins after 8pm, no reservation is required.


Botanical Gardens

Over 26 hectares of unsurpassed views, unique landscape, exotic forests, native bush, colourful floral displays and gorgeous specialist gardens.

101 Glenmore St, Thorndon, Wellington


Carter Observatory

At Space Place we share the stories of our New Zealand skies through multimedia exhibits, interactive galleries, the historic Thomas Cooke telescope and our digital, full-dome planetarium.

40 Salamanca Rd, Kelburn




Looking for a place to dine but can't find a local to ask. You could do worse than fall back on Cuisine's take on 48 hrs of Wellington dining. Our take: it looks more palette than kid-friendly.


ZEALANDIA is the world’s first fully-fenced urban ecosanctuary, with a 500-year vision to restore a Wellington valley’s forest and freshwater ecosystems as closely as possible to their pre-human state. The 225 hectare (500+ acre) ecosanctuary is a groundbreaking conservation project that has reintroduced 18 species of native wildlife back into the area, some of which were previously absent from mainland New Zealand for over 100 years. 
Open 9am - 5pm every day except Christmas Day!  (last entry 4pm)


Tour of Parliament

Come on, you can only do this in Wellington!

Public tours run daily, on the hour from 10am to 4pm. (Closed Good Friday)


Roxy Cinema (local)

The Roxy Cinema is a beautifully designed, art deco cinema ... located in Miramar, at the epicentre of Wellington's film industry (just over the hill from Worser Bay!)


Walk the Historic Bunkers above Breaker Bay 

(4 min drive from WBBC)


Walk to Massey Memorial (8 min drive from WBBC)

The mausoleum of one of our esteemed Primeministers. It's a short walk and a picturesque, lovely spot.


Matiu/Somes Island

Matiu/Somes Island, at 24.9 ha, is the largest of three islands in the northern half of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. It lies 3 kilometres south of the suburb of Petone and the mouth of the Hutt River, and about 5 kilometres northwest of the much smaller Makaro/Ward Island. 

Matiu/Somes Island is a predator-free scientific reserve. It is also a historic reserve with a rich multicultural history.

Access to Matiu/Somes Island is via East By West Ferry


Other ideas

  • Wellington Laneways (10 pin bowling)

  • Mt Vic - great for a walk

  • Wellington Zoo - you get the idea

  • Chocolate factory - sorry, the address is a secret (we remember when they last ran out 7 yrs ago ... too many out of town visitors found out about it. Just kidding, it's 5 Eva Street, Te Aro (in town) ... just don't tell to many people.


This event is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors

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The Worser the Bay ...

the better the sailing

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