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Annual Sailing Programme 2022-23

The "View Only" Shared Google Sheet has three Sheets:


Sheet 1: Detail

A  detailed list of Club Championship and Short Series race dates and Regional and National Regattas by Division ( Junior / Senior ) and Fleet/Class. This information is also presented in a different format in the Calendar.


The other two sheets "Junior" & "Senior" are Scheduled Club Races for 2022-23  in Chronological Order for the Results application "Sailwave". 

Scheduled races , or Seasonal Handicap races,  eg ShR01 , are coded for Sailwave Club Racing Results files and Scheduled Race Allocation to Championships ChR01  and Short Handicap Series  eg S1R1.   
Abbreviations:  S1RR or ChRR = Rescheduled Race opportunity for Series 1 if original race dates are not sailed due to weather etc.


Sheet 2: Junior:  

Junior Division Scheduled Seasonal Handicap Races allocated to Series and Championship Races 2022-23.


Sheet 3: Senior 

Senior Division Scheduled Seasonal Handicap Races allocated to Series and Championship Races 2022-23.


Errors & Omissions & Suggestions: to  Andrew Paterson.


Junior & Senior Race Management ROSTERS for 2022-23 are here.



The Worser the Bay ...

the better the sailing

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